Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy New Year!
Predictions 2006
1) Oscar for best movie - Walk the Line
2) Congress - Republicans will hold on to control of both houses, but will lose seats.
3) U.S. Supreme Court - Alito will be confirmed, no attempt to filibuster. Another Justice will leave by the end of the year.
4) Rose Bowl - USC will beat Texas by at least 13 points.
5) SuperBowl - Denver VS Seattle, Seattle wins
6) Sen Clinton is re-elected with better than 60% of the vote
7) When the election is finally held, Mayor Nagin loses in New Orleans
8) The U.S. economy will continue to thrive, and the mainstream media will continue to ignore it.
9) Both France and Germany will enter a recession.
10) The U.N. will continue to ignore the Oil for Food Scandal, Bolton will continue to make the UN institute incremental reforms.
11) Israel will bomb Iran. The UN will condemn them and Israel won't give a shit.
12) There will be more rumors of a coup in North Korea, but they will be false.
more to come......
Friday, December 30, 2005
Day By Day
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
10 Worst Americans
1) George Soros - I believe his influence on American politics has been disastrous. When you combine this with his international market manipulations, there can be no doubt that this is a truly evil and selfish human.
2) Joseph Kennedy - Made his money as a drug smuggler (rum from Canada during prohibition) and then multiplied it by taking advantage of people going bankrupt during the Great Depression. He was a facist, and he foisted the whole Kennedy clan on us.
3) John Walker - Cold War spy. Caused huge amounts of damage to the US because of greed.
4) Jane Fonda - Hanoi Jane. A Traitor who aided our enemies, and a wacky leftist on top.
5) Benedict Arnold - Sold his country out because of ambition and pique.
6) Jimmy Carter - A complete failure as a president. Allowed the birth of the modern Islamic terrorist movement. Appeased the Soviets. I had some admiration of his efforts with Habitat for Humanity, but his incompetent meddling in international affairs since then overshadows what good he has done.
7) Michael Moore - An example of the worst of the modern media. His propaganda ranks up there with the worst of the NAZIs and the Communists. Hates the America that gave him the lifestyle he induges in. Reinforces the worst prejudices of European elites about the US.
8) Roger Taney- First cabinet officer to be rejected by the Senate. As fifth Chief Justice of the Supreme Court authored the second worse decision ever handed down by the Court, the Dredd Scott case. (worst was Roe V Wade)
9) Margaret Sanger - founder of what became Planned Parenthood. Believed strongly in eugenics and was a racist. (She would be very pleased by the millions of minority children aborted in the last 30 odd years) Member of the Socialist party.
10) Jesse Jackson - race whore extraordinaire.
Michael Crichton's views on lefty Chicken Littles
Gun Control
On Fox News right now, there is a Canadian politician blaming gun violence in Canada on the lack of gun control in the United States. That's a load of crap, but from the Canadian point of view it makes sense.
First you have to realize that Canada is a captive of the Old Europe philosphy of controling the people. For centuries the elites in Europe have maintained power by controlling the people. There is a reason why it was illegal for peasants to own weapons. This was to prevent them from rebelling against their lords. At the time of our revolution, it was still illegal for most Europeans to own weapons. Our Founding Fathers recognized two things. 1) Our ability to rebel from the British Crown was largely based on the fact that a large percentage of the colonists were armed and familar with guns. 2) An armed population would be able to resist a despotic government. (especially when you take into account the fact that they expected there to be no standing national army.) They wanted a population that would be unable to be controlled by an elite ruling class. Because of this they purposely guareented the right to own a weapon in the Bill of Rights. Furthermore, if you examine their expectation of no standing army, and a dependence on a citizen militia for national defence, they intended this Right to include military grade weapons.
Secondly, you have to realize that the left views people as basically good unless corrupted. Thus someone who uses a gun to commit a crime is less to blame for the crime than the gun that allowed them to do so. This may seem nonsensical (and it is) but it is truly how most of them think. The right understands that there is evil in the world, and people intent on harm. We realize that if the gun was unavailable, than a different weapon (say a knife, bat, broken bottle or fist) would have been used instead.
Lastly I will simply point out that areas that have liberal gun laws (and isn't that a strange phrase politically? as opposed to Liberal Gun laws) , especially those with concealed carry permits, have less gun violence than areas with strict gun laws. This is a documented proven fact. For instance, the old West (as opposed to the misnamed Wild West) was not all that violent a place. We have been conditioned by the media (of the time as well as modern times) to believe that there were shoot outs and gun battles all the time. This isn't true. The truth is the violence was confined to a fairly small, self-selected group. People were more polite and considerate then, perhaps largely because rudeness could result in a duel or gun fight.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Millionaire Entertainers
Now technology is threatening to return entertainers to their previous status. Digital copying and digital downloads circumvent the system. Cable, satellite and the internet provide cheap access to content producers and huge choice for content consumers. Big business knows this too, which is why they are so adamant about internet violations and copyright laws. But there is no law, and no reason that entertainers have to be millionaires. I will shed no tears if actors started getting tens of thousands of dollars intead of millions for their movies, and the same for singers and their albums.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Visas? We doan Need No Stinkin' Visas!! Pt 8
Sunday, December 25, 2005
New Program for Kids
They have just started a program that pays poor Grandparents raising their grandkids the same amount of government aid that a foster parent would receive for raising the child. This keeps the child out of the clutches of the government, and with their family where they belong.
Fantastic Four
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Friday, December 23, 2005
Rush's Greatest Hits CD (no, not Limbaugh!)
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
LA Dodgers 2006
Visas? We Doan Need No Stinkin' Visas!! pt 7
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Maj. Tammy Duckworth
Davey and Goliath
By the way, the commercial was for a Captain and Tennille CD collection.
Time Man of the Year
The trio are getting the award for their charitable efforts in Africa.
I personally believe it should have been the American fighting man, or the average Iraqi voter.
Friday, December 16, 2005
It may be another ten years.......
I was recently nagged by friends, family and colleagues into making an appointment to see a doctor. It's been at least ten years since I last saw one. So I made an appointment to get a physical in a January. In the mean time, I developed a case of celluitis (fancy word for skin infection) and thus made an appointment to get it looked at. "Well", the Doc said, "since you are here, we'll just do the physical now."
(What???!!! I haven't had time to build myself up mentally and emotionally for this.)
So the Doc throws me one of those hospital robes that doesn't even come close to covering me and says, "strip down to your skivvies!" He leaves and gives me privacy while I strip down (which makes no sense given what's coming up). He comes back a few minutes later, takes an oral history, listens to my heart and lungs etc, and then orders, "stand up and drop your skivvies!" (What no dinner first?)
He then precedes to give me a hernia test and "examine" (read feel up) my testicles. OK, I've had that done before for sports, but how many 40 year old teachers get hernias? Now I hear the dreaded command: "Turn around, bend over and put your elbows on the bed!"
Damn. I can't believe it has come to this.
He then proceeds to insert his finger in my rectum while telling me to relax. RELAX? What the hell was he talking about? Thankfully it was over quickly and he informed me that my prostrate was in great shape. (yeah, but how about my dignity Doc?)
All in all, it was the most action I've had in years, but he hasn't called me since.
I feel so used.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Mayor of New Orleans pt 5
Time to Halt the Gravy Train pt 3
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Tookie Williams Pt 3
My Mom was on a jury that sentenced somebody to death on Friday. She is 59 years old. I find it perverse that the scum so sentenced has a significant chance of outliving her. Justice delayed is justice denied.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
The Producers
Tookie Williams Pt 2
Edit: 6:00 PM 12/12/05 The Governor did the right thing and denied clemency at noon today.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Heisman Trophy
Now if we can just convince Reggie or LenDale to stay another year.........
Richard Pryor Dead
Tookie Williams
Friday, December 09, 2005
The Continuing Case Against CNN
Neither Wilson nor Plame or heroes by any stretch of the imagination, but the MSM and the left insists on gloriying them.
Keep it up CNN, soon Ted Turner, Hanoi Jane and Babs Streisand will be the only ones watching you.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Dead Pool 2006
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Mayor of New Orleans pt 4
Terri Garr
Saturday, December 03, 2005
College Football pt 2
2) When Reggie Bush wins the Heisman, it will mean that USC's 2002 team had three Heisman winners on it's roster....Palmer, Leinart and Bush. I'm pretty sure that is the first time that has happened. Edit: I am wrong. Reggie was still in high school when Palmer won it. But if White does the smart thing and comes back next year......
3) USC had a 3,000 yd passer, 2 1,000 yd rushers, a 1,0000 yd receiver and a 900 yd receiver with a good chance to become a 1,000 yd receiver. Again I believe this is unprecedented.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Commercial Actor
Refilling Oil Fields pt 2
Friday, November 25, 2005
Visas? We Doan Need No Stinkin' Visas! pt 6
Possible Iraqi Pullout
This issue is too important to be polite, or to worry about politics. The Republicans have to be willing to talk in blunt terms about a withdrawal and what it will mean. They have to be willing to label the Democrats as the cads they are. The American people will support them, polls be damned. The American people know what is at stake here, and if the Republicans roll over and betray the Iraqi and American people they will not only be worthy of contempt, they will let the Democrats and the media off the hook.
Moonbat Thanksgiving
They should have been thanking God that they lived in President Bush's America instead of Saddam Hussien's Iraq. I believe in a loyal opposition. The moonbats have once again left the realm of loyal opposition and descended into the gutter of irresponsibly aiding and abetting our enemies.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Pajamas Media/OSM/Pajamas Media
The past several days has seen many bloggers critique this new organization and its missteps. Some of these are bloggers I really enjoy reading. The Pajamas Media (PJ media?) folk have responded very defensively in my opinion. In fact, their reaction has seemed very high-schoolish to me. The Pajamas Media folk are some of the more prominent bloggers. If there was one common characteristic among them, it would be a rather rabid opposition to all things Islamic or Arab, and a sweeping endorsement of all things Israeli. I have read most of them in the past, and I expected better from them. In fact at several points they have been forced to admit that their critics (whom they have attacked) were right and that they did make significant mistakes.
I can see no real need for what Pajamas Media does. Apparently it is an effort to make blogging more profitable. Good luck, but frankly, in my opinion blogging shouldn't be about profit. You will notice I have no ads on my blog, but then again, I blog on a free site. If someone wants to take ads to pay for their costs, I don't really have a problem with that. But blogging should not be a profession. If you want to write as a profession, become a journalist. The news links they do are done better by Drudge and I think the site The Huffington Post has shown how ineffective conglomerations of bloggers are.
Well the next several weeks will show whether this idea will work, and will probably be full of infighting among bloggers on either side of the proposition. It'll be interesting to see if, and how, the mainstream media cover this contretemps.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Time to Halt the Gravy Train Pt2
Yeah tell me again how forty years of welfare have helped......
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Poseidon Adventure
Terrible Terrel pt 2
Update (10:30 AM 11/23/05)
The arbitrator has ruled. Terrel lost every part of the case. He said not only can the Eagles suspend him for four games, but they can also put him on the inactive list and force him to sit at home the rest of the season. Sanity has prevailed!
College Football
Until last night, I was firmly in the Leinart camp for Heisman. Not anymore. Reggie Bush truly deserves the trophy.
I wish Texas would lose one of their two last games, but I don't think it is going to happen. But after last night Penn State would probably go if Texas loses, and I think Penn State deserves their shot. Texas does not play a tough schedule, and they play in a comparably weak conference. Plus it would restore the Pac 10 v Big 10 match up to the Rose Bowl if Penn State went.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Time to Halt the Gravy Train
This week FEMA announced that it would no longer pay for hotel rooms beginning on December 1, 2005. That's right, three months later, we are still paying for hotel rooms for those displaced. I wonder how many of these people in hotel rooms are from New Orleans, and how many are from Mississipi which was hit as bad or worse?
Predictibly, those still in hotel rooms three months later (Why not? They aren't paying and I bet they love the room service.) are now crying foul, and attacking FEMA. Now, let us be clear, FEMA isn't saying they are going to cut these people off. FEMA is still willing to pay for their housing. They just want them to move into trailers or houses. But that is too much trouble for these people to go through. Three months later and they can't be bothered to find somewhere to live! Even when the government is still going to pay their rent!
Now FEMA is showing signs of backing down from their deadline. Nobody has the moral courage to throw these bums out. Strike that, we aren't even throwing them out, just asking them to move!
Let's talk cold hard facts here. Most of these people have been living off government handouts for most, if not all, of their lives. Many of them are living better than they were before Katrina. They have no experience of providing for themselves. They are going to suck on Uncle Sam's teat for as long as we let them, and then go kicking and screaming when and if we finally do kick them out. Its time to start kicking them out, and/or forcing them to work.
That incompetent blow hard Mayor Nagin is flying to Washington D.C. every week (I wonder just who is paying for that?) begging for $250 billion dollars to rebuild his city. If that is what it is going to cost, let's send in the bull dozers and let it return to swamp. New Orleans isn't worth $250 billion of my tax dollars.
There is a so far unconfirmed story that the N.O. police force had 700 phantom officers. Supposedly the FBI is investigating. If this is true, it explains why the police commisioner retired so suddenly. It also would explain much of the incompetence of the N.O. police in dealing with Katrina. If this is true, people need to go to jail.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Dump the U.N.
I did have some problems with the UN, like the fact that the US was paying far more dues than any other nation, and that the USSR had two votes in the General Assembly. But I thought in the balance that it did more good than evil. I no longer believe this.
The UN has become a cesspool of corruption. Third world diplomats enter the UN penniless and leave as millionaires and billionaires. Billions of dollars are wasted and stolen every year. Atrocities such as Sudan are ignored. The only useful services that the UN currently provide can be done more efficently by other NGOs.
Kofi Annan has finally destroyed the UN.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
How Far They Have Sunk
Look this Ned Colletti might be a great guy, and a great GM. But he was working for the Giants!
One of the great imponderables of my early life was how Dusty Baker could have gone to work for the Giants. I put it down to a from of mental illness. But this.........
If he hires a Giant as the new manager.........well you thought the O.J. riots were bad.........
The best thing he could do is steal Mike Scioscia from the Angels, but since he just signed a new two year deal that isn't going to happen.
The frickin Giants..........
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Lessons from Vietnam for Iraq
Does anybody believe that if we pullout of Iraq now it won't descend into civil war, dictatorship and opression? That millions of Iraq won't be killed and oppressed? We cannot abandon people seeking freedom.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Veteran's Day
Originally this was Armistice Day. The ceasefire to end World War I went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. That war was originally called the war to end all wars because of the carnage involved. Then thirty years later an even greater war began. One of the great wonders of the last fifty years of the twentieth century is that a third world war did not emerge from the wreckage of World War II. One of the biggest reasons for that was the courage and sacrifice of our men and women who served in our armed forces over that period.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Nov. 8 election pt 2
Commander in Chief
Monday, October 31, 2005
Here Comes Da Judge Pt. 7
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Life Sucks
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Here Comes Da Judge Pt 6
But now wait for the Democratic Underground moonbats to start saying this was the plan all along to distract attention from the CIA leak special prosecutor.
Now we await a qualified nominee. Probably another woman.
Monday, October 24, 2005
The BCS Sucks!
USC #1
Texas #2
Harris Poll
USC #1
Computer Ranking
Texas #1
BCS Ranking
Texas #1
USC #2
So USC is ahead in two out of three rankings, including the two based on humans, yet they are still ranked second in the BCS. That is just plain wrong, and is further evidence that the BCS is still junk, despite trying to fix it the last five years. Football is about more than numbers, and the BCS should be scrapped after this season. USC clearly should have been in the championship game two years ago, but the BCS screwed them. The human system, the AP championship recognized this and gave USC their championship, thus splitting the championship with LSU in 2003. (which is exactly one of the things the BCS was supposed to prevent) If numbers were all that mattered, we wouldn't need to play the games. The only saving grace at this point is that the #3 team is so far behind that unless Texas or USC loses they should both play in the championship game anyway.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
West Wing Pt 2
Saturday, October 22, 2005
UPDATE: Joe did the classy thing and called off the dogs. The only two scores in the second half were a 77 yard Penn State interception return in the 3rd quarter, and a 2 yd Illinois pass play for a TD late in garbage time. 63-10 was the final score. Penn State should get to a BCS game, they deserve it.
Fight On! Pt 3
Nov. 8, 2005 Election
San Bernardino City Mayor- I know Chas very well, in fact I've worked with him a couple of times , once he was my boss, once I was his. Eventually He might make a great mayor, but not yet. My vote goes to Jim Penman.
Prop 73- Parental notification for a minor's abortion -yes. If a minor can't get a tattoo without permission, then why the hell should they be able to get an abortion?
Prop 74 - Teacher probationary period extended to five years-no. But not because it extends the time needed for tenure. It also removes protections from teachers who already have tenure.
Prop 75 - Paycheck Protection-yes. There is nothing wrong with forcing the unions to get permission to give our money to politicians.
Prop 76- State Spending and School Funding-no. It gives too much power to the governor.
Prop 77- Redistricting-yes. The gerrymandering in Calif. is out of control. Out of 153 elections last year, the incumbent party won 153.
Prop 78 & Prop 79- no on both. The price of drugs is none of the State's business.
Prop 80-no. I will never support the State restricting the rights of customers.
Measure S- No. Libraries are good things, but San Bernardino already collects enough taxes. They just need to spend them better.
Monday, October 17, 2005
I Like It....
What a week for football, college and pro. Lots of overtime, tight games, last minute scores, and outstanding performances.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Fight On! pt 2
Edit: Oops. California lost to Oregon State today, and UCLA is losing 28-7 to Washington State. Oh well.
Edit 2: UCLA did come back to win in OT.
Fight On!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Monday, October 10, 2005
Here Comes da Judge Pt 5
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Learn From My Mistake
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Commander-in-Chief Pt 2
Monday, October 03, 2005
Here Comes da Judge Pt 4
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Here Comes da Judge PT 3
Visas? We Doan Need No Stinkin' Visas! pt 5
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Somebody Needs to Lose Their Job!
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Terrible Terrel
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Proposition 74
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Double standard
Monday, September 05, 2005
The City of New Orleans
Mayor of New Orleans pt3
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 4 - A day after two police suicides and the abrupt resignations or desertions of up to 200 police officers, defiant city officials on Sunday began offering five-day vacations - and even trips to Las Vegas - to the police, firefighters and city emergency workers and their families. ...
Mr. Nagin, who has been demanding more federal assistance for days as his city struggled with despair, death and flooding, said he had asked the Federal Emergency Management Agency to pay for the trips but the agency said it could not. He said the city, therefore, would pay the costs.
Not only is he sending the very people who failed him and his city on a vacation, he is spending money that is going to be desperately needed to clean and rebuild his city to do it! And he actually had the gall to ask the federal government to pay for it!
Visas? We Doan Need No Stinkin' Visas! pt 4
He said his country shared the pain of the hurricane. An estimated 140,000 Mexicans were affected, he said, and 70,000 are unaccounted for. But now, he said, the contributions of Mexican workers could be more important than ever.
"The reconstruction of that city and of that region is going to require a lot of labor," Mr. Fox said of New Orleans, Mississippi and Alabama. "And if there is anything Mexicans are good at, it is construction."
That son of a bitch is actually using the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina to argue that we should allow more Mexicans to come to the US! The article the quote appears in is full of his crap. Apparently, he is angry that the US has not changed its immigration policies to allow more of his citizens to come here. He is also angry that US officials actually expect him to control his side of the US-Mexican border. Damn it, I'm getting closer and closer to being in favor of mass deportations and stationing the army on the border. If not, let's just face reality, invade Mexico and make it part of the US so we can fix the place, because they are never going to do it on their own.
Here comes da judge...pt2
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Mayor of New Orleans II
Have you no Decency pt 2
Have you no Decency?
New Orleans again
Fox and Friends
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Here comes da judge...
Friday, September 02, 2005
Refilling Oil Fields
It seems that there is a competing theory about the nature of oil, and it accounts for the presence of these life forms. This theory is that oil is produced continuously deep beneath the Earth's surface, and constantly rises to resevoirs near the surface. There, colonies of microbial life develop, similar to the ones that develop around the hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean. In both cases these life forms feed of the hydrocarbons and don't require light or oxygen.
It turns out that the Soviets had been researching this new theory for decades during the Cold War, and it is now beginning to develop support in the West. If this theory is true, we will never run out of is truly a renewable resource.
Mayor of New Orleans
By all accounts La. Governor Blanco has completely failed the test of this crisis also. The people of New Orleans and Louisana have been poorly served by their elected leaders.
UPDATE: Now Fox is reporting that New Orleans police officers are refusing to patrol the streets and are instead turning in their badges. I guess all the best stores have already been looted. They can't even keep order in the Superdome. There are reports of multiple rapes and the Superdome......... after they searched the people going in! They can't even control the damned Superdome!
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Katrina and the Waves
UPDATE: 4:40 P.M. - Looks like gasoline is going to shoot up. I expect $3.00+ for the lowest grade tomorrow morning here in SoCal. This hurricane is going to screw with all of us.
Fantasy Football
I'm going to be going nuts on Sundays this Fall.
UPDATE: I drafted my offline team tonight. There is no bench, and you can protect your players when you drop them for their bye week. (no one else can draft them before you have a chance to get them back the next week) The points are geared exclusively around touchdowns (no points for yardage) and you get more points the longer the scoring play. It was a 7 team league, and I drafted first, snake draft. My team follows:
QB: Marc Bulger
RB: L. Tomlinson
RB: B. Westbrook
WR: Randy Moss
WR: Terrel Owens
TE: A. Becht ( I had Antonio Gates until I was informed he was suspended for the first week, I'll have a chance to get him in week 2)
K: S.Janikowski
D: Carolina (pure defence, no special teams, and points scored against special teams and the offence don't count)
If there had been room, I had a chance to get Torry Holt also...he went in the fifth round.
I plan on winning this league.
Lack of posting
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Visas? We Doan Need No Stinkin' Visas! Pt 3
Monday, August 15, 2005
Nature's Fireworks
Friday, August 12, 2005
San Bernardino - Fast Food Capital of the World
Thursday, August 11, 2005
My new favorite football coach
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Slippery Slope to Hell
We started down this slippery slope forty years ago with the two Connecticut
birth control cases that first created a "right" to privacy. Along the way we have coarsened society, killed millions of babies and begun the destruction of the institution of marriage. It's not too late to go back. I hope.
Monday Night Football
Monday, August 08, 2005
Gender Selection
Now, the practice is coming to America. While I don't expect the same degree of selective abortion, even one is morally repugnant. The only bright side is the prospect of watching the feminists argue in favor of a woman's right to abort their daughter simply because she is female.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
The Final Frontier Pt. 4
Update: The landing has been postponed 24 hours at 2:04 A.M. my time.
Air America
Tucker Carlson has a regular panelist on his show who has a slot on Air America. As far as I know he hasn't asked her yet about this scandal. Why not? This has just jumped to number 1 on the list of evidence of bias in the mainstream media.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Strange New World
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
The Final Frontier pt. 3
(This one is really funny guys!)
Monday, August 01, 2005
John Bolton Appointment
Visas? We doan need no stinkin visas! Pt 2
King Fahd has died
Sunday, July 31, 2005
MTV's The 70's House
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Questionable content?
Damn. "Bonding night". That meant no poker or baseball for me. Instead I'd have to watch something she would enjoy also. At least it meant I'd get some sex out of it. We started flipping through the channels, but couldn't agree on anything. Finally we came to the Food channel. "Let's try this," she said. The commercial ended, and Iron Chef America began. OK, I could deal with this, at least it was competitive. "Tonight on Iron Chef the secret ingredient is...... eyeballs!" She ran from the room retching. Thanks Fear Factor, for ruining TV and my love life.
I removed the word "Damn" from the front of the post, and replaced "sex" with "bedroom action" and it was still rejected.
OK. It turns out "poker" is the hang up. I put "damn" back up front, took out "bedroom" and changed "poker or" to "Friday Night" and the story posted.
100 Words or Les Nessman
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
My Female Robot......
I know I'm not the only one who thought of the credit card commercial when they were reading this article....
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Alanis Morissette
The Final Frontier pt. 2
Visas? We Doan Need No Stinkin Visas!
Monday, July 25, 2005
The Final Frontier
100 Words or Les Nessman Pt. 2
Friday, July 22, 2005
Strike of the Left Wing Moonbats Pt. 2
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Blog Roll
Strike of the Left Wing Moonbats
Way to go. This certainly raises the level of discourse.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Mr. Kirby (My current screensaver)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Different Worlds
I am becoming increasingly fearful about the future of our republic.
Supreme Court nomination
Pres. Bush has nominated John Roberts.
At first glance this looks like a great pick. But I predict this one is going to get ugly, almost as ugly as the Bork and Thomas hearings.
Now if only Justices Stevens and Ginsburg would retire, we could have some real fun.
Betty Nguyen
Monday, July 18, 2005
Kill me Now Pt 2 (The return of Ebonics?)
1) I am a graduate of Cal State San Bernardino (CSUSB) and I got my teaching credential from CSUSB. This type of thinking is typical of the Sociology and Education professors there. I was once forced to pay for and attend an Anti Defamation League conference on multiculturalism in order to pass an Education class there. I currently live in San Bernardino, and will certainly remember this program when the School board elections come around again.
2) I teach 7th Grade Social Studies in a neighboring school district. The curriculum for 7th grade Social studies is comparative cultures. I have had parents complain that I do not teach Black History. When I inform them that I do not teach U.S. History, but do teach about West Africa as part of my curriculum, they are unsatisfied. Because I do not tolerate misbehavior, and fail students for not doing their homework, I am constantly accused of being racist. (Despite the fact that my two closest friends, both fellow teachers, are Black men married to White women) I dread the day my district tries to force me to teach a similar curriculum as the one in San Bernardino.
Look, we all can agree that there is a problem with the success of Black students in school. But it is my experience that this is a function of low expectations (from parents primarily), chronic misbehavior and a lack of effort. All of this stems from poor or lack of parenting. My Black students who have caring involved parents do very well in school. This year I had three Black students get straight As. One of them currently has a 4.0 GPA for both 6th and 7th grade. One of the things these three students had in common were caring, concerned and involved parents.
I stand by my previous assertion: 90% of the problems in Education can be traced back to parents.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Kill me now
We have Lance Armstrong dominating the Tour de France for the seventh time in a row. No one else in the history of bicycling has dominated this premier event so well for so long. When you reflect that it comes after his diagnosis with testicular cancer that spread to his brain and lungs, it just becomes all the more special. Lance symbolizes the grit and pluck of America, the unwillingness to give up, the comeback against seemingly insurmountable odds.
We also have Tiger Woods. The multi-racial (but predominantly black) golfer dominating a sport that has always been a rich, white man's sport. He is a symbol of the fact that in America it is what you do, not who you are that is important. He also is a symbol of the melting pot (I hate the salad bowl analogy) of America.
Best of all, the two of them are doing what they do in Europe today, Lance in France and Tiger in the United Kingdom. They are among the best advertisements we have for America.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Bastille Day
I think it is very telling that Americans celebrate their revolution on the day they declared their independence by writing a letter to their former King. The French celebrate their independence on the day they set a bunch of prisoners lose from a prison.
Border Issues
Now comes word that Mexico refuses to make improvements to border security unless we make concessions on illegal immigration. OK, you want to play hardball? Let's seal the border and start the deportations.
Many people make the claim that the only way to deal with illegal immigration is to help Mexico improve their economy. Mexico is not interested in improving their economy, and won't do so. Mexico is run by an elite ruling class that controls all of the political and economic power. This elite class is made up of wealthy families that have always controlled Mexico. They are doing fine in the current economic system and have no interest in creating rivals. They don't have to worry about revolution, because they send their poor across the border to the US. Plus they get the added bonus of the billions of dollars sent back to Mexico to help prop up the economy. If we ever want to change Mexico, we have to send the poor back, and let them suffer until they get pissed off enough to get rid of their ruling elite.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Three years ago I did a google search on my name and the first reference to me was on the first page. There were several other Gary Kirby's out there.
Earlier this year I did a second google search. I looked through 60 pages and there was not one reference to me. Bummer. When I do a google search of my nom-de-plume, all the references are to me, except for one hit in Korean. (I presume, that one might be about me also)
Now I was under the impression that the name Gary Kirby was not all that common. The only other one I knew was my father. I was wrong. There are tons of Gary Kirbys out there, including an Irish Rugby player, a university student government president, a writer and a chemical engineer. I believe I'm not even the only Gary Kirby who is a teacher.
Gahrie is my last plea for individualism.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Supreme Court
What is more exciting is the rumors that Justice Stevens is talking about retiring. I find this hard to believe. There is no way he wants to let Pres. Bush replace him. However, he is 85 years old.
Imagine the horror of the left if Justice Stevens does retire and Justice Ginsburg dies (she has cancer) during Pres. Bush's term.
Some of the left wing wackos like Sen. Kennedy and the NOW gang might actually stroke out!
Bad luck charm
I went to an Angels game last night. The Angels are leading their division, had their 11 game winner ace pitching, at home where they have one of the best home game records in baseball; against the bottom dwelling Mariners, with a pitcher who has an ERA of 5.44 and an awful road record.
So of course the Angels lose 10-2.
I will say this though, the money spent renovating Anaheim stadium was well spent. The ballpark was clean, the staff pleasant and helpful, and the field was beautiful. Access on and off the freeway was relatively smooth. There were screens everywhere, and lots of activities to make it fun and exciting for families. I was very impressed.
The last time I had been to an Angels game it was still a dual baseball/football stadium. The expererience compared badly to a Dodger game. After last night, I have to say the Dodgers have serious competition for best ballpark in SoCal now. I still don't think they should tear down Dodger stadium and build a new park, but they can't sit back and rest on their laurels anymore.
Bombings in London
Unfortunately, these attacks are nothing new for London. They've been dealing with terrorist bombs from the IRA for decades. Things will be back to normal by Monday.
The terrorists miscalculated here, the UK is nothing like cowardly Spain.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Google Earth
Monday, July 04, 2005
Happy 4th of July
The Declaration stakes our claim to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Three notes. 1) Life comes first, because without the Right to life, no other Rights matter. One day, we will wake up and realize the horror of what abortion on demand is. Science has thrown the evidence of the crime in our faces. The unborn child is a human life, and becomes a human life far earlier than most people are willing to acknowledge. 2) It says the pursuit of happiness, not happiness. There is no right to be happy. 3) Also note the change from Locke's Life, Liberty and Property. This is no mistake. The change was made on purpose, to keep from giving the institution of slavery any legitimization, or provide slave owners with any argument to support the institution. In fact Jefferson's original version of the Declaration cites the impostiion of slavery in the colonies as one of the reasons for independence.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Tour de France
Friday, July 01, 2005
This is just sad
I would not allow my niece or nephew to talk about the president this way in front of me, even President Clinton.
July 6, 2005
After reading some more of this author's entries on the Huffington Post site, it appears this might be satirical. All I can say, is I hope so.
By all accounts she was a great person, and a superb lawyer. However as a Justice, she sucked. She was inconsistent to say the least. She had the unfortunate habit of believing that she knew what the Constitution said better than the men who actually wrote the document. I won't be sorry to see her go.
Republicans have had awful luck in appointing Supreme Court Justices. ( See Souter and Kennedy on the current Court.) So many of them get on the Court and turn into liberal activists. Pres. Bush needs to name a true Conservative and originalist in the tradition of Scalia and Thomas. If the Democrats kill the nomination, he needs to keep naming them until one gets on. I personally oppose Alberto Gonzales. If he wasn't so old, I would re-nominate Judge Bork myself.
Man, this could be an ugly summer, especially if Justice Rehnquist also steps down, and Justice Stevens in 85, he could die or retire at any time. (although I'm sure Stevens is going to try and last until the next election to try and give a Democrat a chance to replace him.) If Rehnquist steps down, he'll add two confirmation fights, one to replace him as Chief Justice ( I predict Justice Thomas) and one to replace him on the Court.