Sunday, December 30, 2007
Wild, Wild, West
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Patriots V Giants 12/29/07
Update 8:30 P.M. 12/29/07: Well that turned out to be a pretty good game. Patriots stayed undefeated, Randy and Tom got their records and the Giants played stand up ball and kept their starters in the whole game. The NFL definitely made the right move by allowing NBC and CBS to show the game. The NFL Network also scored some good points with their TV ads showing up the cable companies unwillingness to carry the NFL Network. (of course a lot of that has to do with the rates the NFL Network wants to charge)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Benazir Bhutto
I was attending USC when Indira Gandhi was assassinated in nearby India. Like Bhutto, Gandhi rose to power as a member of a powerful political family, and served multiple terms as Prime Minister of her country. I had a Sikh and an Indian Muslim as two of my roommates at the time. When I got back to my apartment that night they were throwing a party and had invited all of their friends over. They were literally giddy with happiness.
I could only contrast their reaction to the weay the American people reacted when JFK was assassinated. There were no Protestants in the streets celebrating, the Republican Party did not rejoice. We were all stunned, sickened and saddened.
All in all, it was a pretty graphic demonstration for me of just how different cultures could be, and put the final nail in the coffin of multiculturalism as far as I was concerned. ( I was a Political Science/Internation Relations double major at the time)
There will be plenty of violence and celebrating in Pakistan in the week to come. Hopefully things won't get too destabilized.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Geico Commercial
However this lady hasn't lasted as long in the business as she has for nothing. She captialized on the bad press, and turned it around by playing up the plastic surgery in a Geico Commercial. Good for her.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I am generally not much of a Val Kilmer fan. I couldn't really tell you why...I've just never liked him much. However, his portrayal of Doc Holiday is masterful. He definitely deserved an Oscar nomination. I mean, just look at the nominations that year:
TOMMY LEE JONES in "The Fugitive", Leonardo DiCaprio in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?", Ralph Fiennes in "Schindler's List", John Malkovich
in "In the Line of Fire", Pete Postlethwaite in "In the Name of the Father"
Out of that list the only one I would place above him is Fiennes, and the only one to equal Kilmer would be Malkovich. Di Caprio? Tommy Lee Jones? That's just embarassing that there were nominated for those performances. (of course Di Caprio got the nomination via the patented "play a retard" route.) Then For Tommy Lee Jones to win it? For a second rate movie adaptation of a TV series? A crime.
Kilmer's Holiday is one of my favorite all time performances. I'm not a big movie quote geek, but I use some of his lines all the time....especially "I'll be your huckleberry". (nobody seems to get it I the only one who ever saw this movie?)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
60 Minutes / Gays in the Military
1) I guess many gays refer to the younger generation as the Will & Grace generation. As in, they grew up watching gays in the media, as on Will & Grace, and so gays aren't frightening or foriegn to them. I can live with that.
2) One of the arguements Lesly Stahl tried to use was that the British military began allowing gays to serve openly in the 90's, and it hadn't affected their military effectiveness. Excuse me? The current British military couldn't even fight the Falklands Islands War today if it had to. It certainly couldn't defend their sea lanes or the British Isles from attack. Not too long ago we had the sad spectacle of British sailors wetting their pants instead of resisting the Iranians in the Gulf. Now I'm not trying to blame this on gays in the military, (the blame lies squarely with the Labor Party and it's neglect and even abuse of military budgets) but to argue that the British military is as effective today as it was in the 1980's is patently absurd.
That being said, I really have no beef with homosexuals. I do thing homosexuality is deviant, and should not be promoted as a healthy lifestyle, but as the Christians would say: hate the sin, love the sinner. I have friends, colleagues and family who are gay, and it honestly has no effect on my relationships with them. In fact some of them were apprehensive, given my personal politics, and how open I am about them. They expected me to get all Rev. Phelps with them. I've had to actually explain to them that I don't have to liker everything about a person to like them as a person, and that I'm sure there are things about me that other people don't like.
I don't think it is a good thing to have gays serve openly in the military, but I am open to the idea, as they young men on 60 Minutes suggested tonight, that times and mores are changing and that it won't cause problems with the current generation.
Journeyman 12/16/07
Unfortunately there are rumors that the series will not be brought back after the writer's strike.
Life 12/16/07
Heroes 12/16/07
I'm not as thrilled with this series as I was the first one. The motivations of the Adam/Kensai character for instance. Come on..would you really hold a grudge for 400 years? And what's with the magical blood? Do you also get the healing power with the transfusion? And if not why not...How about a bone marrow transplant...would that grant you the power? And If I had someone with that type of blood, I'd have them in an artificial coma and I'd be using them as a blood factory. After all, we are talking about immortality and the power to bring the dead back to life here!
Hiatus/ Christmas Thoughts
I've been involved in some Second Amendment discussions, some presidential campaign discussions, the abortion debate etc.
Then again, this isn't my favorite time of the year. I hate what has happened to Christmas.
Now remember, I am not a Christian. I am a deist. But I am utterly opposed to taking the religion out of Christmas.
Turning Christmas into a secular holiday has just turned it into a celebration of conspicious consumption and greed. Now don't get me wrong, I'm firmly in favor of capitalism. However capitalism is an economic system, not a moral one. We need public morality, now more than ever.
So it's really hard for me not to be a Scrooge at Christmas. At heart I really am a generous person, but don't tell me it's my obligation to be generous. I really hate obligations. (It's a big reason I'm not married)
And I try real hard not to bum out people who really are into Christmas.
Take the staff Christmas party out at work. I never go. My colleagues and friends are always trying to get me to go, but I just can't seem to convince them that I would be a real drag, and that I want everyone else to be able to enjoy the night.
So, Merry Christmas.
Friday, November 16, 2007
I'm not exactly happy, but I sure am smug.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Veteran's Day
What some of you may not know, is that originally today's holiday was called Armistice Day. It marked the official end of combat in World War I. Because communication was so much less sophisticated back then, they had to set a time in the future to cease hostilities to ensure that everyone got the word. So the ceasefire was set for the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. It was changed to Veteran's Day to celebrate all of our veterans in 1952.
It's still celebrated as Armistice Day in France and Belgium.
It's a completely different holiday in other parts of Europe, including Germany, the Netherlands and Austria. It's St. Martin's Day, and celebrates a Catholic saint. (fittingly enough, he was once a Roman soldier)
In most of the Commonwealth (Including the UK, Canada and Australia) it's celebrated as Rememberance Day.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
College Football 11/27/07
In other news, Boston College needed last minute Flutie-like heroics to break the #2 jinx this week and beat Virginia Tech. Tennessee made a dramatic second half comeback over the other USC, South Carolina. The Cinderella season of South Florida has come crashing down with two consecutive conference defeats.
1) Ohio State - won (undefeated)
2) Boston College - won (undefeated)
3) LSU - bye
4) Oklahoma - bye
5) Oregon - won
So for the first time in over a month, no top 5 team lost. Of course two of them had byes this week.
6) West Virginia - won
7) ASU - won (undefeated)
8) Virginia Tech - lost to #2
9) Southern California - lost to #5
9) Florida - lost to #20
So, three losses in the top ten, all three to ranked teams, two to top 5 teams. That's a normal week of college football finally.
11) South Florida - lost to unranked
12) Kansas - won (undefeated)
13) Missouri - won
14) Kentucky - lost to unranked
15) South Carolina - lost to unranked
16) Hawaii - won (undefeated)
17) Texas - won
18) California - lost to #7
19) Michigan - won
20) Georgia - won
21) Virginia - lost to unranked
22) Alabama - bye
23) Auburn - won
24) Penn State - lost to #1
25) Rutgers - lost to #6
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Winds Keep A Blowin'.......
Saturday, October 20, 2007
College Football 10/20/07
1) Ohio State - won (undefeated)
2) South Florida - lost to unranked
3) Boston College - bye (undefeated)
4) Oklahoma -won
5) LSU - won
So #2 goes down again........
6) South Carolina - lost to unranked
7) Oregon - won
8) Kentucky - lost to #14
9) West Virginia - won
10) California - lost to unranked
So four losses among nine teams that played in the top ten, three to unranked teams.
11) Virginia Tech - bye
12) Arizona State - bye (undefeated)
13) Southern California - won
14) Florida - won
15T) Missouri - won
15T) Kansas - won (undefeated)
17) Hawaii - bye (undefeated)
18) Auburn - lost to #5
19) Texas - won
20) Tennesse - lost to unranked
21) Georgia - bye
22) Texas Tech - lost to #15
23) Cinncinati - lost to unranked
24) Michigan - win
25) Kansas State - lost to unranked
So in a week with five byes in the top twenty-five, there were nine losses, six to unranked teams. And again, this was a calm week.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
College Football 10/18/07
#2 USF just lost to unranked Rutgers.....
Saturday, October 13, 2007
College Football 10/13/07
In other news, USC looked mediocre again. They've really been hit hard by injuries. But they are back in the BCS hunt if they can win out.....Cal will probably be ranked #1 now.
Update 7:18 PM: Cal is losing 31-21 to Oregon State with less than four minutes left in the fourth quarter. It looks like both #1 and #2 lose today.
Update 7:21 PM: It's not over yet! Cal just scored on a 64 yard pass play with 2:31 to go; 31-28.
Update 7:40 PM: It's over, Cal loses....what a season!
Update 11:00 PM:
1) LSU - loss to #17
2) Cal - loss to unranked
3) Ohio State - win (undefeated)
4) Boston College - win (undefeated)
5) South Florida - win (undefeated)
Two losses in the top five, one to an unranked team. Of the top ten teams before play began three weeks ago, only Ohio State hasn't lost since.
6) Oklahoma - win
7) South Carolina - win
8) West Virginia - bye
9) Oregon - win
10) USC - win
11) Missouri - loss to #6
12) Virginia Tech - win
13) Florida - Bye
14) ASU - win (undefeated)
15) Cincinnati - loss to unranked
16) Hawaii - win (Undefeated)
17) Kentucky - win
18) Illinois - loss to unranked
19) Wisconsin - loss to unranked
20) Kansas - win (undefeated)
21) Florida State - loss to unranked
22) Auburn - win
23) Texas - win
24) Georgia - win
25) Tennesse - win
That's seven losses in the top twenty-five, (among 23 teams that played) five to unranked teams. There are six undefeated teams in the top twenty-five. South Florida has a legitemate chance to play in the BCS championship game. That said; Ohio State, South Florida, Boston College, Arizona State, Hawaii and Kansas all have games they might lose. It would not be surprising to see two one loss teams in the BCS game this year.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Does God Play Poker?
Excuse me?
When did gambling become a religious activity?
I can remember when playing poker would have been considered sinful. Now they're holding prayer meetings around the table.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Happy Birthday Dad!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
Heroes 10/8/07
First Sulu and now Uhura?
Saturday, October 06, 2007
College Football 10/6/07
Top Twenty Five
1) LSU - win (narrowly) (Undefeated 6-0)
2) USC - loss (unranked team)
3) California - bye (Undefeated 5-0)
4) Ohio state - win (Undefeated 6-0)
5) Wisconsin - loss (unranked team)
So Two losses in the top five, both to unranked teams. This comes after last week with three losses in the top 5, two to unranked teams. In fact, of the top 10 teams before play started last week, only LSU, Cal and Ohio State haven't lost a game.
6) South Florida - win (does South Florida crack the top 5? They've earned it) (Undefeated 5-0)
7) Boston College - win (Undefeated 6-0)
8) Kentucky - loss to #11
9) Florida - loss to #1
10) Oklahoma - win
Four losses in the top ten, two to unranked team, one to #1, one to #11.
11) South Carolina - win
12) Georgia - loss to unranked team
13) West Virginia - won
14) Oregon - bye
15) Virginia Tech -won
16) Hawaii - currently winning (Undefeated 5-0)
17) Missouri - won (Undefeated 5-0)
18) Arizona State - won (Undefeated 6-0)
19) Texas - lost to #10
20) Cincinnati - won (Undefeated 6-0)
21) Rutgers - lost to #20
22) Clemson - lost to #15
23) Purdue - lost to #4
24) Kansas State - lost to unranked team
25) Nebraska - lost to #17
So eleven losses of the 23 teams in the top 25 playing this week. That's after 9 losses among 24 playing last week. At least most of the losses this week were to other ranked teams.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Isn't It Ironic?!?
Pro Football 9/30/07
The Chargers are 1-3 and Tomlinson can't get going.
The Saints are 0-3 and look awful.
The Rams are 0-4 and look awful...Jackson can't get going and is hurt.
The Packers are 4-0 and the Lions are 3-1.
I simply don't know what to think in fantasy football anymore, you might as well flip a coin.....
Saturday, September 29, 2007
It's the Economy, Stupid.....
at the rate of inflation with the USD, $5,000,000 is about what we'll be paying for a happy meal shortly.
Jason: You're kidding right? inflation is incredibly low right now......unless you live in Zimbabwe
kirbdog, the dollar has fallen about 25% in the last 3 years. The canadian dollar is now worth more than the USD. With our outstanding debts reaching new highs and the treasury needing the ceiling lifted, it doesn't look like it's going to get any better.
1) That's not inflation. 2) So what? all it means is that it's more expensive to buy things from other countries, and cheaper for other countries to buy things here. That's a good thing
NO ^ considering that america doesnt make anything anymore it actually does matter because you seem to have the right concept but the wrong meaning - 1) its more expensive for america to import goods 2) who is going to buy anything from here when its cheaper to 'cut out the middle man'?
"Inflation is a persistent rise in the general price level, as measured against a standard level of purchasing power" Exactly what Jason said. And its a really really bad thing considering that everything the US buys from other countries will force them to dig deeper in their pockets. And that extra money doesnt grow on trees.
Tell you what. take an economics course, and then come back and explain the difference between the terms exchange rate, and inflation, because they are not the same thing, and not necessarily even linked.
Currently, the dollar is near its worst exchange rate in 50 years, but inflation is at historical lows.
ok, ok inflation smation.... for now - you proved that u didnt take econ. above by stating what you did - that the monetary situation here is 'good' for us, so why try and tell someone else that they dont know what they're talking about when you clearly dont have a fuckin clue yourself? no offence by the way, jason is probably right in the end of it all, because even in econ. 101 it becomes clear that even the smallest change of spending in an area of the 'micro' markets can affect everything dramatically in the 'macro' markets.
anything that decreases imports, and increases exports is good for us
right - so what does the US export?? other than some crops...etc. cause everything here is IMPORTED
Why is there a reflexive need to take any economic news and attempt to use it to show how bad the US economy is?
Besides the fact that there is a Republican administation I mean....
excellent report: $180billion difference between import/export... that aint good my friend. even the democrats couldnt help there
kirbdog> attention...better, not perfect. And exports are rising at double the rate that imports are.
I am kirbdog above. Now this bugged me for several reasons.
First, it was an obvious attempt to take a piece of economic news, and use it to show how bad the economy is. I just don't get it. Our economy is performing better than almost everyone else in the world, and definitely better than any major economy. (We simply can't tell about China...but their economy is certainly growing fast) Our economy is doing great! If a Democratic administration was in office the news would be full of stories about how great everything is.
Second is the obvious ignorance shown. These guys couldn't tell the difference between the exchange rate and inflation, or the effect (or lack of effect) one has on the other. Yet they felt expert enough to interpret a piece of data to bad talk the US economy.
Third, When I provided a link explaining the improvement in our trade deficit, one guy actually went to the site linked, but merely cherry-picked the current trade deficit to again try and run down the economy, and either failed to realize or ignored the fact that the site was talking about how quickly the trade deficit was bing narrowed, and the record pace that exports were increasing. It also explained that much of the trade deficit was due to rising gas prices. He also apparently failed to realize how low the trade deficit is when compared to recent history.
The site I linked to is a report released by the US Commerce Department. It explains:
- US exports were up 9.8% in the first quarter of this year over the first quarter of last year.
- Our biggest gain in exports was to China, a huge and growing market
- We have had 17 straight quarters of export growth since the fourth quarter of 2002
Now why haven't we been hearing about this? Who has been in office since the fourth quarter of 2002?
Maybe the stupid ones are the people who are supposed to be covering economics?
Update 10/1/07 5:45 PM: I've just found out that the Dow Jones has hit another new high, and that the other markets are near their all time highs. I'm all a-twitter waiting to see how the left will explain how this is so bad for our economy. Of course the MSM will probably just ignore it.
College Football 9/29/07
Update 10:45 AM: LSU got a field goal at the end of the half...10-9.
Update 3:00 PM: OK....Notre Dame had the best half of football they've played so far this year in the second half, and made it almost respectable, losing 33-19. Still, Notre Dame is now 0-5 for the first time ever, and it looks like they could have a quarterback controversey.
LSU came back to spank Tulane 34-9. Michigan also came back to win 28-16 over Northwestern.
However, Illinois upset Penn State 27-20 and Colorado beat Oklahoma 27-24; so two top 5 teams lost this week. (Oklahoma and WVU)
Georgia Tech is currently beating Clemson 10-3; Cal and Oregon are tied up at 17-17; Maryland is up 20-17 over Rutgers and Kansas State is up 27-21 over Texas.
Update 4:05 PM: Wow..what a crappy way for Oregon to lose the football game. Well maybe it's poetic justice, that Cal field goal looked good to me. Cal over Oregon 31-24. Texas gets pasted by Kansas State 41-21, so # 7 and #11 both lose. Lots of movement in the BCS rankings this week. How high does USF go?
Update 4:34 PM: Maryland beats Rutgers 34-24. Wisconsin escapes Michigan State 37-34, #10 loses and #9 has a close call.
Update 9:45 PM: I just got back from watching the USC game at a sports bar. Very sloppy game, and the refs made some awful calls. It seemed like every Washington pass play resulted in either a personal foul or pass interference. Let's check out some results:
#1 USC - win
#2 LSU - win
#3 Oklahoma - loss to unranked Colorado.
#4 Florida - loss to unranked Auburn.
#5 West Virginia - loss to #18 South Florida
(That's three losses in the top 5!, Two to unranked teams.)
#6 Cal - won
#7 Texas - loss To unranked Kansas State.
#8 Ohio State - win
#9 Wisconsin - win
#10 Rutgers - loss to unranked Maryland.
(That's five losses in the top ten, four to unranked teams.)
#11 Oregon - loss to #6 California. (Easily the "best" loss of the week)
#12 Boston College - win
#13 Clemson - loss to unranked Georgia Tech.
(That's seven losses in the top 13, five to unranked teams.)
#14 Kentucky - win
#15 Georgia - win
#16 South carolina - win
#17 - Virginia Tech - win
#18 South Florida - win
#19 Hawaii - win
#20 Missouri - bye
#21 Penn State - loss to unranked Illinois.
#22 Alabama - loss to unranked Florida State
#23 Arizona State - win
#24 Cinncinati - win
#25 Nebraska - win
That's 9 losses of the 24 teams in the top 25 that played, seven to unranked teams. Upset Saturday indeed.
Friday, September 28, 2007
College Football 9/28/07
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
He is a detective wrongly convicted, served 12 years, got a large cash settlement and is back on the job. He enjoys pulling over and harassing his ex-wife's new husband.
She is a detective with a history..apparently of drugs, maybe booze. Also a thing for one night stands and a disfunctional relationship with her Dad, who was also apparently a cop.
Adam Arkin is his accountant (and also a former convict), and lives over his garage. Then there's his (attractive) lawyer.....lots of sexual tension there.
I can already tell that there is going to be a re-occurring "man out of time" thing going on.
I think I'm going to like this one.........
Kitchen Nightmares 9/26/07
The General Manager Martin is a total incompetent. Chef Ramsey actually closes down the restaurant with customers in the dining room.
He changes the menu, the dining room, the signage and even the name of the restaurant. It's now called Purnima. But he still is dead set on getting rid of the General Manager Martin, and for some reason the owner appears to want to keep him. Chef Ramsey manages to browbeat the manager into quitting.
This is the perfect show for Chef Ramsey, as it lets him really work himself into a rage and attack people. Also, it's completely fresh, and not a copy of another show, like Hell's Kitchen was a copy of Top Chef. The cherry on top is that he is actually finding dining disasters and hopefully fixing them.
Update 11:00 PM: According to the comments, Hell's Kitchen (UK) came before Top Chef. So he didn't poorly copy someone else's show, someone copied his show and did a better job.......
Monday, September 24, 2007
The Journeyman 9/24/07
Heroes 9/24/07
Too early to tell about the new season though......
Saturday, September 22, 2007
USC V Washington State 9/22/07
This is the first game I've gone to live since I went to USC from 1983 to 1987. Man things are different. We had tailgate parties back then, but nothing like this. It was nuts...every flat surface on campus or in Exposition Park had as tent set up on it. I'm firmly convinced that at least half the people at the tailgate parties didn't even go to the game.
There was a few new buildings on campus, and at least one road had been replaced with a building or two and some grass. I saw the new Galen center...for some reason I thought it was actually on campus over by Heritage Hall, instead of across Figueroa.
We got to the Coliseum and found our seats behind and to the home side of the periastyle end. There was a little bit of rain in the second quarter, but nothing too bad. At one point it was sunny and dry in one end of the stadium, and sprinkling fairly hard in the other end. This first picture is before the game while the teams are loosening up.
The next picture is USC running onto the field before the game.
This is the opening kick off.
Traveler after a USC score.
Part of the band came up into the stands to help encourage school spirit, even over in the cheap seats with us..
The team coming out for the second half.
and finally the torch lighting at the beginning of the fourth quarter.
USC wins..47-14! Fight On!
Update 9/26/07: I have attempted to fix the photos..the links weren't working anymore. I'll add one more below.... Germaine from the comments and myself chaperoning a dance a couple of years ago. I'm the short, handsome one.

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Jim Croce
Here's Operator:
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Kitchen Nightmares
The kitchen was a shambles, and Peter apparently owes money to everyone in the state, and when they come to collect from him, he turns into a cliche goon. Instead of serving the food, he eats it.....and then yells at the staff because the food didn't get out on time.
The best way to fix that restaurant would be to shoot the stupid bastard. I mean seriously, he was such a stereotype it was ridiculous. I can't imagine what is going through his head, and frankly his parents head as they watch this. He's a complete spoiled leech.
It ends with a supposed turn around from Peter that lasted about 5 minutes. I'd be interested in seeing what things are like there tonight........
Monday, September 17, 2007
A Damn Good Week Of Football
It doesn't get any better than this.
Update 5:30 AM 9/18/07: Dagnabit. ESPN re-calculated the points overnight, and I ended up in a tie in one match, that I lost by bench points. 5 - 1 in fantasy match ups. (It was the league I most want to win also)
Monday Night Football 9/17/07
Mike Tirico is simply average. Whoever decided to trade Al Michaels to NBC, (yep that's right, they traded Michaels to NBC for a cartoon character and the right to broadcast the Ryder Cup.) should be fired. With a decent crew Tirico might have been OK, but he can't drag Jaworski and Kornheiser up to mediocrity by himself.
Ron Jaworski was a pretty good QB, and a run of the mill studio analyst, but he doesn't have enough personality for the MNF booth. Again a top flight announcer like Michaels would be able to cover this up. Tirico is not up to the task.
Tony Kornheiser. I have friends who swear this guy is great on Pardon The Interruption. I'll have to take their word for it. I'm not impressed. I'll take Dennis Miller over this guy any day. Is he trying be funny? He spent the 2006 season trying to make Theisman look stupid. He's not worthy to carry Joe's jock. Jaworski will apparently be this year's victim. God, I'd rather listen to Maguire than this guy.
This crew almost makes the three Mikes look like Emmy winners. I almost long for the days of Cosell, Gifford and Meredith.
Come back Michaels...and bring Madden with you.
Update 8:10 PM: Ok...Barkley was more entertaining than Jaws and Kornheiser combined. But if he had whined about Reid and McNabb being underappreciated and disrespected one more time I would have thrown something at the screen.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Q. How do you know Steve Jobs has been in your refrigeratior?
A. Suddenly the refrigerator costs $200 more, it shows movies, and it only accepts food from one supermarket.
It kills right?
That said, I have been obsessed with the song in Apple's new commercial. A little work, and I found it on Youtube. I give you Feist, and 1-2-3-4:
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Take That With Ya!
College Football 9/15/07
I'm going to be at a poker game for most of the USC game, but I'm predicting that USC will win big, by at least 2 TDs.
Update 3:39 PM: Well, Michigan wins the game 38-0. I'm glad I didn't watch the second half. OSU is now dominating Washington 27-7 with about 2 minutes to go in the 4th quarter. In other news UCF is in the game against #6 Texas at the start of the 4th quarter...2nd and goal, and only down by 6.
Update 3:47 PM: UCF goes for it on 4th and goal and scores. UCF is up 24-23 over Texas.
Update 4:34 PM: Texas wins, 35-32. UCF was in this game the whole way. Go SC..beat the Huskers!
Update 5:25 PM: USC stops Nebraska on their first drive, and then goes 96 yards on their first drive for the score. The fullback rumbles for 50 yds on the first play from the 4 yard line.
Update 8:50 PM: I lost in the second round of the poker tournament. (it was a head to head tournament) I went card dead. I turn on the tube, and USC is up 49-17. This should shut everyone up. By the way, two Trojan teams did end up beating Big-12 teams today.
Update 9:10 PM: Nebraska scores a couple of garbage time TDs, and brings the final score to 49-31. Hopefully the voters actually watched the game, and don't let the final score fool them.
Friday, September 14, 2007
College Football 9/14/07 - Upset Special
Update 9/14/07 9:00 PM: Troy State just got screwed by one of the worst calls I've seen so far this year. The Oklahoma State player caught a pass inside the ten, and clearly fumbled the ball....and the only other possible call was incomplete. But for some inexplicable reason, the refs called him down by contact. The replays clearly showed this was a blown call. In a bit of cosmic justice, the extra point was blocked after Oklahoma State scored two plays later. 41-16 Troy State 10:40 to go in the fourth.
Update 9/14/07 9:36 PM: Final score - Troy State 41-23
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Leftist Irresponsibility
Now they are taking out full page ads in the NY Times (reportedly at a discount) calling General Petreaus a traitor and a liar.
Just how low will the Left go? And when will the Democratic Party call them to account?
Never Forget
It appears that we are soon going to try to cut and run from the war. What people seem to forget is that our choice is not whether or not to fight radical Islam, our enemies have made that choice for us. Our choice is where to fight them. I for one, would much rather fight them in Iraq than the United States.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Too Good To Be True?
and then
Now tell me, can this David K character be real? Surely he is performance art.
And my jokes, they killed right?
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
And Now For Something Completely Different.......
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Keith Freakin' Olbermann?
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Happy Birthday El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora La Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula
LA is now the second biggest city in the country. Sometimes it hard to like her, but I still love her............
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Holy Crap!
I thought part of our deal was we had to put up with earthquakes and fires but were spared tornados and hurricanes!
I blame President Bush and global warming!
College Football

Happy Birthday Mom!
My Mom didn't have it easy by any means. She had two babies by the time she was 21, and was living in a foriegn country, poor and married to the Air Force as well as my Dad. My life was infinitely easier than hers. I treasure the fact that both of my parents are relatively young (61 and 62 to my 42) because I consider them my friends as well as my parents. We are probably closer than most because we spent so much time as a nuclear family far away from the rst of our relatives.
She shares her exact birthday with Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees. I don't how she feels about that, or even if she is aware of it. But I'll dedicate this one to her anyway.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Too Young To Fight?
OK. That makes sense. I can go along with that.
But I never heard Bill or her bring up the right to vote. The same logic should apply, and we should repeal the 26th Amendment, and return the voting age to 21. (In fact IIRC, one of the main arguements to support the passage of the 26 th Amendment was the fact that 18 year olds were in the military....Old enough to fight..old enough to vote.)
Not mature enough to fight, not mature enough to vote.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
My New hero: Sean Salisbury
But this morning on ESPN's Mike and Mike show, he just said that AC/DC's Back in Black was one of the greatest albums ever. You've got to love that.
Now Back in Black is a great album, the second best AC/DC album ever. The best however is Highway to Hell. There is not a bad song on that album. In my opinion, they are few albums that hold up from first song to last. For instance, Appetite for Destruction is one of my favorite albums, but there are some weak songs on it.
But Highway to Hell is awesome cover to cover. Just off the top of my head, so is Boston's first album, Boston. Not a bad song on it.
What are some other perfect albums?
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I Really Don't Know What To Think About This........
Sunday, August 26, 2007
From The "There Is No Such Thing As Good News" Dept.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The Universe Has Never Been the Same...........
Every One Made With Love......
Monday, August 20, 2007
Time to Buy a Lottery Ticket.......

The big blind has a pair of Kings, hearts and clubs.
The flop comes King of diamonds, Ace of diamonds and Ace of hearts.
The big blind now has the second best possible hand, a full house Kings over Aces.
The turn. Ace of spades.
Then player 3 shows his Royal Flush, the other hand that beats the Big blind..but also beats the small blind. The ultimate cooler.
If player 3 did not rush out that night and buy a lottery ticket he was crazy!
I Knew It Was Too Good To Be True!

However today on the O'Reilly Factor she announced that she thinks that there is a Human Right to freedom of movement. Thus any Mexican who wants to come here should be able to. Bill was just as stunned as I am. I wish somebody would point out to people like Kirsten that not even Mexico believes this. They have some of the strictest immigration and citizenship laws in the world. Read the Mexican Constitution, you'll be stunned. There is not a single country in the world that supports open borders. Canada comes close, but not even they are completely nuts.
A Sign of the Times Pt. 2.......
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Happy Birthdays!
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on the same day, (the same exact day, July 4, 1826 ironically for two of our Founding Fathers) but if Thompson is elected president I wonder if that will be the first time two presidents were born on the same day?
Few people remember Tipper's attack on music with the PMRC, but she shares her birthday with John Deacon (1951) of Queen; Ginger Baker (1939) of Cream and Blind Faith; Ian Gillan (1945) of Deep Purple and (briefly) Black Sabbath; rapper Nate Dogg (1969) of Death Row Records (who has song on 60 singles with rappers like Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg and Warren G.); rapper Fat Joe (1970); and rapper Lil Romeo (1989).
There are also at least a half dozen other international singers born on this date, including Lee Ann Womack.
Famous tennis player and doctor Renee Richards was born on this day in 1934 as Richard Raskind before becoming a woman in 1975.
Star Trek fans will surely know that both Gene Roddenberry (1921) and Jonathan Frakes (1952) share this birthday.
Adam Arkin (1956) who had a re-occuring role (one of my favorites) as Dr. Stanley Keyworth on The West Wing was also born on August 19.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Democratic Circular Firing Squad
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Don't drive angry. Do not drive angry
You know this is an older movie. Just after he saves a man from choking in a restaurant, he walks past a woman with a cigarette at the next table, and lights it for her.......
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Van Halen..Pt. IV?
The second incarnation of the band, with Sammy Hagar as the lead singer was actually pretty good, but a much different sound than the original band. Even though we called it Van Hagar, most of us are quite comfortable with the material being counted as part of the Van Halen legacy.
The third incaranation however, with Gary Cherone as lead singer, is better off forgotten.
This fourth line up features Eddie and Alex Van Halen reunited with David Lee Roth. Bassist Michael Anthony who has been along for the ride in the three previous versions is sitting this one out however. Eddie's son Wolfgang is playing bass this time.
Here's hoping they can re-capture the magic.
It's Alive!!
I'm not betting on it, and if you are younger than fifty, hopefully you aren't either.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Saving Grace Pt. 2

The bonus is that it stars Holly Hunter. She is a voice actor in one of my favorite movies of all time, The Incredibles. I really liked her in Always also.
For the Sinister Among Us.....
Sorry Dad, sucks to be you.
(just kidding...but it really is International Lefthanders Day...)
Sunday, August 12, 2007
A Brave New World......
Can you imagine a world without it now?
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Sistine Chapel
One of my favorite movies from the 1960's is about the painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo at the command of Pope Julius II. It's called The Agony and the Ecstasy and it stars Charlton Heston as Michelangelo and a surprisingly good Rex Harrison as Pope Julius II. The movie is beautifully made, and a fine example of when movie making was as much an art form as an industry.
Betty Boop
Jerry Garcia
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
A Sad Day For Baseball....
Hank, you're still in first in my eyes....
Monday, August 06, 2007
Enola Gay
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Speedy Gonzalez
I mentioned earlier that I had seen a commercial on Spanish language television using him.
Does this mean we white , English speakers can resume watching the Speedy Gonzalez cartoons now? Can Lays bring back the Frito Bandito?
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
"Video Killed the Radio Star...."
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Back on the Chain Gang
Monday, July 23, 2007
Saving Grace
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Spark "em Up!
But what is most interesting about his life is the fact that on an island half a world away (Jamaica), he became a living god. A religion was formed in the 1930's among adherents of Marcus Garvey's back to Africa movement. It was called the Rastafari Movement, and it is primarily known by its use of reggae music, dreadlocks and marijuana.
It is one of those things that is almost too weird to be true. But true it is.
Friday, July 20, 2007
"The Eagle Has Landed..."

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
R.I.P. Mary Jo Kopechne
On July 18, 1969, Mary Jo and five other single women who had worked for Robert Kennedy's campaign attended a party on Chappaquiddick Island with six married men. (None of their wives were present) Sen. Kennedy and Mary Jo left the party together at 11:15. P.M.. According to Sen. Kennedy, he made a wrong turn, and drove off a bridge and into a small lake.
Sen. Kennedy got out of the car, and says he made several attempts to rescue Mary Jo, but she drowned. He then walked back to the party, (ignoring nearby houses) and talked to his cousin, Joe Gargan, and Paul Markham who were both lawyers. All three of them returned to the scene of the crash.
None of the three told anyone else about the crash for the next ten hours. Sen. Kennedy ended up pleading guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident after causing an injury. His sentence was a two month suspeneded sentence and a year of probation.
Despite this tragedy and the cover up, Sen. Kennedy continues to serve as a Senator and even ran for president once. Most people are convinced that the true story has never come out.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Whoopi Goldberg
Whoopi has done this to me in the past. One time she comes out talking sense, and ther next she is a raving lunatic. And you know what, I bet she likes it that way.
The USSR Was Born in Evil.....


It's the Economy, Stupid! (isn't it?) Pt. 2
Monday, July 16, 2007
Man I'm Getting Old........

It's the Economy, Stupid! (Isn't it?)
Friday, the DJIA closed at 13,907 points setting a new record. Look at the past ten years the DJIA has nearly doubled...despite the attack on 9/11 and the Iraq war and occupation. The DJIA fell nearly 700 points or 7.1% the first trading day after the attack, (the largest one day point drop ever) and 14.3% by the end of that week. By Oct. 2002, the DJIA closed at a low of 7,286 points. That means there is a very good chance that by Oct. 2007, the DJIA could have doubled in five years.
Did you hear any stories about this on TV this weekend? Did you read any stories about this in your newspaper this weekend? No? I wonder why not?
I wonder if it has anything to do with a reluctance to credit a Republican president, or Republican tax cuts for this growth?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Computers Twenty Five Years Ago
One of the dangers he talks about is becoming addicted to the computer. This is in the days before public access to the internet, the world wide web (WWW), ISPs and anything but the utmost basic of graphics. I wonder where he is today, and how he is coping? Well it looks like he is still writing, and still using new technology.