If I was McCain, I would immediately make a commercial with the original comment from the Saddleback forum (including the prediction about how the Democrats would behave), a quote from an Obama campaign ad attacking Mccain for the $5 million comment, and then a voice asking something like" If he's willing to lie about this, what else is he willing to lie about?"
If I was a late night talk show host I'd be asking "when did the Democratic Party lose its sense of humor?"
Honestly, the $5M dollar line is "whatever". But if the leader of the free world can't remember how many homes he owns, that's disturbing from a mental competency aspect since he is the global figurehead of the nation. How would that same interview reflect upon America (and Americans) if it occurred overseas? Not very well.
This too was distorted. McCain knows how many homes he owns. None. The question was however, how man do you and your wife own. McCain has no interest in his wife's fortune, it is not a shared marital asset. She is the one who owns all the real estate, not him. So he has no idea how many houses SHE owns.
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