Man, this would be too good to be true! Dick Morris is saying that Sen. Robert "I'm staying here until you drag my cold, lifeless body from this chamber" Byrd might actually lose his election this year. This after being elected to the Senate eight times already. You have to take it with a grain of salt, because it is Dick Morris, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes.
Personally, I think the people of West Virginia have decided to get rid of Sen. Byrd before every building and road in the State is named after him.
Since he's one of my deadpool picks, I'm hoping he drops dead this year anyway.
Maybe all the pork Byrd has sent home over the years has finally improved the educational system there?
There is quite a bit of difference between thoughts and desires, and actions, one I thought you were mature enough and intelligent enough to understand.
Now, if I went to west Virginia and killed the old racist, then you might have a case.
1) It's quite amusing to have someone who supports abortion insisting that their definition of "pro-life" is definitive.
2) This pro-lifer has a sense of humor. If you ever find one, I promise you'll enjoy it.
3) Being opposed to abortion does not make you a saint. People who are pro-life do commit murder (which is wrong) and do sometimes wish ill or even death of others, which is a thought, not an action and in no way at odds with a belief that innocent life should be protected.
4) I am willing to await history's judgement of our relative positions.
You consistently seem to have a problem differentiating "speech" and "actions".
I believe in absolute free speech. I believe you do not judge a person by what he says, but by what he does.
To try and equate an amusing and faintly racist joke (which all of my black friends love by the way) with organizing cells of an organization that murdered and oppressed people would be amusing if it wasn't so misguided and troubling.
I'll start calling myself anti-abortion, when your side starts calling itself pro-abortion.
I do what I can to contribute to the pro-life movement.Unfortunately your side has persuaded liberal judges to rule that your suggestion is illegal.
If protesting effectively at abortion clinics ever becomes legal again, you can be sure I will be there. People protest at private businesses all the time.
You can make any judgement about me based on my words you like, I rest secure in the judgement of those who know me.
Again, I am perfectly willing to submit myself to the judgement of history.
how about pro killing of innocent life, and against killing of innocent life? lETS DESCRIBE WHAT ANTI BORTION AND PRO ABORTION REALY MEANS.
The failure to wage war against an agressor merely results in the loss of more innocent life eventually.
Now THAT is a perfect example of a liberal, more worried about blame than results.
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