Saturday, February 11, 2006

Policing our Own

There is currently a tempest brewing over some of Ann Coulter's latest remarks. Ann is a powerful speaker and writer. She has done valuable work in exposing the lies and hypocrisies of the Left. However Ann is controversial because she tends to use language and hyperbole we are more accustomed to seeing and hearing from the Left. Naturally, the MSM highlights this, and seizes every opportunity to use her actions to brand the Right, while ignoring equally and even worse statements from the Left.

Because of this, many of the Right feel the need to rebuke and repudiate Ann. Fine, that is their right. But I hope none of them are counting on earning any Brownie points or the moral high ground. Because such hopes ignore the essential nature of the Left. The Left will never acknowledge such repudiations or concede the moral high ground. They will merely use attacks on Ann from the Right as ammo against both Ann and the Right. They will never respond in kind by rebuking or repudiating hate speech or hyperbole from the Left, because as far as the Left is concerned there is nothing too extreme when attacking the Right.

So go on and rebuke Ann. The Left is watching and laughing.


Thom said...

Sheesh, didnt take the lefties long to prove your point over on TLR's site....

Anonymous said...
Gahrie, is that yor real name or are you hiding behind an alias?

Ann coulter is the face of the modern Republican party whether you like it or not. Hatred of freedom, anti-due process, blind faith in republican government power,and pro-torture. She advocates the murder of anyone who disagrees with Bush. She is an all out fascist Cunt. She says what many of you only think. Care to prove me wrong.

did you catch Ann's comment about elderly liberal Supreme Court Justice john Paul Stevens?

She said that someone should poison his coffee so Bush could appoint another right-wing wacko in his seat.

Do you think that was funny too?

Ann Coulter is considered mainstream on the Right since she is a regular on 'Faux' news and she has had several best selling books.

THR, could you please tell me why you are no longer a liberal. I get tired of all of you guys who said that you were once liberals or Democrats but you saw the light. Somehow I have a hard time believing that you ever really believed in anything liberals stood for if you are now a Republican which is the equivalent to being a neocon.

Gahrie said...

GS - Oh come're kidding right? Setting aside Belafonte, Dean and Kennedy as not being pundits, how hard is it to come up with Al Franken, James Carville and Paul Begala?

Gahrie said...

GS - Of course you don't. That's kind of my point..........

Gahrie said...

Here's a great example of the logic and class of the left.

The writer sees no hypocrisy in attacking Ann Coulter for making racist and inflammatory remarks, while at the same time referring to her in the most objectionable manner possible.