Saturday, January 01, 2005

W.E.B. Griffin

I have just finished reading Griffin's newest book By Order of the President. It was everything I expect from a Griffin book, and an enjoyable read.

I have read most of Mr. Griffin's books. I have read the Honor Bound series, the Brotherhood of War series, the Corps series and the Men at War series. (the only stuff of his I don't read is the cop stuff, the Badge of Honor series)

I have noticed a couple of patterns that run through the works. The first is that the protangonist is always wealthy, and very successful with women. The second is that there is an estrangement between the protangonist and a normal family life, usually through death.

There is usually a tie to Germany, specifically to a city called Marburg. In the later works there is also a tendency to associate the protangonist with a Latino background.

As I said I do enjoy his books , and in fact have read most of them a half dozen times. I do wish he would hire a better copy editor, and if and when his books are reprinted he would go back and make some minor continuity changes to correct some inconsistencies. They're distracting if you are actually paying attention.

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