Thursday, August 03, 2006

Democratic Meltdown?

We have become accustomed to the Democrats viciously attacking and insulting Republicans and Conservatives. It's actually kind of expected now. But they have now begun assaulting their own. The first inkling of this were the attacks on Zell Miller, an honorable man who had served the Democratic Party faithfully. However when he strayed from the mandated message, he was cast out and castigated. Now they are going after Joe Lieberman, simply because he supports the war in Iraq.

Now I am not a big fan of Sen. Lieberman. He is far too liberal for me. But he is a worthy opponent, and has served the Democratic Party well. He was a Democratic candidate for President, and a former Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee.

This is how a Democratic operative (and Hollywood producer) treated Sen. Lieberman yesterday. (as an aside, I find this much more egregious than what Mel Gibson did, and the silence from Hollywood and the left is illustrative)

This is how the main Leftwing blog on the internet treated Sen Lieberman today.

Sen. Lieberman in blackface, and in gay poses. (I thought the left was supposed to like gay people?) Does he deserve this? Hell no. He's one of the few Democrats who acts like an adult.

Don't even start to make the arguement that Hamsher and Kos are insignificant. These are the people who are fighting a war for the soul of the Democratic Party, and by many accounts winning. This is currently the face of the leftwing of the Democratic Party, and potentially the Democratic Party as a whole in the future. That is certainly their goal. As a Conservative I revel in the destruction of the Democratic Party. However as an American I despair at what is happening to our political system.

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