Sunday, August 06, 2006


Where do the Kossacks, the nutroots and their anger come from? I have been reading a lot about the Clinton days recently, written by those on the left. (I have already about it from those on the right) I have come to believe that the Kossacks are a concious and unconcious reaction to Pres. Clinton, his presidency, and the shame he brought to the Democratic Party combined with an inability to accept the results of the last two presidential elections.

1) Pres. Clinton was a democrat, but he rejected the label of liberal, and claimed a middle ground. In truth he governed mostly as a conservative. So the left feels cheated in that the only Democratic President in 20 years might as well have been a Republican.

2) Because Pres. Clinton was a Democrat, he was defended and protected by the left. Even though he was a sexual predator and a rapist, the feminists defended him. Even though he launched military attacks to distract the public from his personal sins, the left defended him. Even as he destroyed "welfare as we know it", they supported him. Most of the left has not yet confessed to the shame they must have felt, probably not even to themselves. But it must be affecting them.

3) Pres. Clinton was seen as an invention and a tool of the Democratic staus quo. In order to ensure there is no repeat, the staus quo has to be destroyed and the party radicalized. The first step was organizing the nutroots. The second step was getting Dean appointed as party chairman. The third step is destroying Sen. Lieberman as a threat to the rest of the elected officials. The DLC has been marginalized. Things have gotten so bad in the Democratic Party that Sen. Feinstein is now seen as a voice of reason.

4) The Kossak left refuses to accept that they don't represent the will of the American people. They insist that the last two elections were stolen. Even the liberal MSM now admits that Pres. Bush would win Florida in 2000 under any rational form of recount. And if Ohio's electoral votes were excluded for fraud in 2004, as the Congressional Black Caucus attempted to do, Pres. Bush would still win the election. I am genuinely worried about the reaction of the moonbats when they lose in 2006 and 2008.

The Democratic Party is now in control of adolescents. One day the adults will take back over. Hopefully before too much damage is done to the party, and the American political system.

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