Sunday, April 09, 2006

West Wing (cont)

Well I felt they handled Leo's death well. I especially liked Josh's and Vinnick's comments about bringing in the lawyers. To be honest I think devoting all, or a majority , of next week's episode to Leo's funeral is a little self-indulgent, but they have earned the right to it, especially knowing that the series is ending. It was pretty clear from the beginning that Santos was going to win, but they made Vinnick more human than I expected them to. (Although most of the Republican staffers were caricatures.)

If they announce one, I still give it a 60% chance that C.J. is named VP, 25% it is Vinnick, (yes I said Vinnick) and 10% it is not a main character and 5% it is Josh. (yes I said Josh).

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