Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Basic Instinct 2

Basic Instinct 2 tanked at the box office. The director is trying to blame President Bush and the current "political culture" of the US. I think it is more "basic" than that. Have you got a good look at Sharon Stone lately? She has never been my kind of woman, but she was considered sexy by most at one time. But now? I don't think so. As far as I am concerned, she's a posterchild for the horrors of plastic surgery.

1 comment:

Nigel G Mitchell said...

Agreed...blame the writers, blame the producers, blame Sharon Stone. One review I read said something I agreed with...the opposite is true. In the early 90's, "Basic Instinct" was a socially acceptable way to see naughty stuff. But these days, you can download stuff three times more explicit than "Basic Instinct" from the privacy of your own home