Sunday, January 01, 2017

The Moment When You Realize You Have No Life....

It is 1:30 AM January 1, 2017.......and I am home alone, watching a youtube video of a prairie dog eating a vanilla wafer.......


Jamie said...

Hey! I thought I'd take our conversation off Althouse.

WRT this post... my life is all about calling carpet cleaners and stuff at the moment. We just moved back to the Houston area after 12 years in Pennsylvania, we don't know anybody yet, and I feel as if my butt is growing roots into this chair...

Gahrie said...

Wow..that had to be tough on your family....did you give them the old "when i was a kid..." speech?

Jamie said...

Huh, I replied to this yesterday! I must've forgotten the "post" part. Email me - !