Monday, June 26, 2006

Acidman R.I.P.

The blogging world suffered a great loss. Rob Smith who blogs at Gut Rumbles (linked on my blog roll) was found dead this morning. This grouchy old man got in on the early wave of blogging, and developed a unique and honest voice. He laid everything out there. He had been going through some bad times, and was honest enough to talk about them.

I never met the man in person, but I am grieving for him anyway. His presence will be greatly missed around the blogosphere.

Update (6/27/06): I've just read the best tribute to Rob yet. It not only perfectly captures the essence of the man, it would have delighted him to read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You better be careful calling the man *old*. "Grouchy" he accepted. "Old", and he had some words for you.