Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

Thank you to all of America's fallen heroes, who gave the greatest sacrifice to preserve our nation and way of life.

Thank you to all the men and women who have served in America's armed forces whether it was in time of war, or time of peace. Service in the armed forces is never easy and always dangerous.

Thank you to all the men and women currently serving in the armed forces. America supports and appreciates you. Never believe the insults and slights of the insane and immature reflect how we truly feel about you.

Thank you to the wives, husbands and families of those who serve and have served. Your trials and sacrifices are often overlooked, but have to be endured just the same.

Thank you Dad. I have often made fun of your service in the past, but I truly respect you and your service. Thank you Mom. It was never easy being a service wife, especially with two young kids, and a husband in Vietnam.

I salute all of you, and though mere words can never repay you, it is all I have to give.

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